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Weekly Horoscope Aquarius, July 28-Aug 03, 2024 predicts fiscal gains

Stay calm in the love affair and avoid arguments. Professionally, you have a productive time where new responsibilities will pave the way for career growth.
Be sincere in the relationship and this promises pleasant moments. Your professional life will be busy which requires extra effort. Financially you are good and no major illness will trouble you.
Be ready to take up challenges in the relationship this week. There can be troubles and your attitude is crucial in resolving them. Spend more time with the lover and indulge in activities that youth like. A new person will enter your life in the first half of the week. Be ready to propose to make your life vibrant and joyous. Married Aquarius female natives may have minor issues at home.
Some new responsibilities will make your schedule tighter this week. Team leaders need to bring out new concepts so their innovative ideas will be accepted by the management. Always think differently to prove your mettle. You are suggested that you should be patient and keep a friendly relationship with the seniors and bosses. IT, healthcare, animation, and automobile professionals will consider relocating abroad. Some Aquarius natives will also clear the examinations to move abroad. Businessmen will launch new ventures in the first part of the week.
Financial success will be reflected in the lifestyle. Aquarius females will purchase gold jewelry this week. The second part of the day is good to try the fortune in stock, trade, and speculative business. Some male natives will inherit property. You may donate money to charity while some natives will also spend on medical expenses of a relative.
No major medical issue will hurt you this week. Asthmatic patients need to be careful and must consult a doctor whenever they feel uneasy. Some seniors will develop pain at joints and those who are diabetic should be extremely careful about their diet. Females may also complain about skin-related infections. You may also have oral health issues in the second part of the week.

By: Dr. J. N. Pandey
Vedic Astrology & Vastu Expert
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 9811107060 (WhatsApp Only)
